Find meaning in your life story through
innerwork, imagery and writing.
Discover the wonder of you.
Spiritual Direction
Would you like to explore and find meaning in the story of your life? Would you like to discover and deepen your relationship with the Holy? Have you been looking for someone to help you open to the possibilities unfolding before you?
If you nodded your head to these questions, then entering into spiritual direction may be for you.
SoulCollage® is a creative and playful practice for self-discovery, integration, and spiritual transformation.
Using your intuition and imagination, images can reveal your inner resources and potential energy in life. Creating SoulCollage® cards offers you the ability to listen to your inner-wisdom and the guidance of Spirit.
Creative Spirit
Unlock access to your creative self! Tune into the flow of what your soul wants you to create in whatever medium you are called to explore. Cultivate the habit of listening to Spirit through creative expression. These are the benefits of what can happen during Creative Spirit experiences. In a community of creatives, take the time to honor your heart’s desire.