Creative Sprit

Listen to your soul.

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Creative Spirit Studio

Reconvening, September 2022

Second Sundays, 3:00 - 5:00 PM EST

Take time for your personal creative expression, whatever that may be.
Join us monthly on Zoom. There is no charge for this wonderful opportunity.

We will meet for a couple of hours to do any creative project that we are called to explore. Registration will be required to receive a Zoom link.

Create SoulCollage®️ cards, Visual Journal pages, greeting cards, start a watercolor painting, make jewelry, start a photo album, color a mandala, or whatever you are inspired to do.

It’ll be a gentle way to make a commitment to yourself to honor your creative energy and let it nourish your soul!


A sense of connection to soul

A way to listen to Spirit

A sense of personal integrity

Inspiration from and for others

A welcoming of play & joy